
11/15 Summary: "Opinion: Rwanda heals after one of history's worst genocides"

From Newsela


On April 7, 2004, Rwanda celebrated the 20th anniversary of the historical genocide between Hutus and Tutsis. In order not to forget the genocide, they are working on several things. First, they support “the Responsibility to protect” of the United Nation. That’s why they sent their troops to help the Central African Republic and took part in the UN Missions. They also support Syrian civilians, who suffer under their government. Second, they are trying to improve the protection of people before conflicts happen. Third, instead of slow-moving courts like in the United States, they turn to their traditional community courts to punish the guilty people. Most importantly, Rwandans have got rid of dangerous labels that caused the racial killing. They hope the belief that the future offers progress can end hated and conflict. (133 words)