
11/16 Summary: "New looks come to Snapchat and Twitter in bid for more users"

From Newsela


Both Twitter and Snapchat are taking on new looks, hoping that they will get wider audiences and make a comeback in the market. Twitter is abandoning its 140-character limit and adapting a 280-character limit while Snapchat has not provided details on the upcoming changes. Twitter is hoping that their users will tweet more by removing that hurdle. Some users especially in German are welcoming its changes because the remodeling will enable them to tweet their lengthy words without using abbreviations, while others are not impressed, quoting “Brevity is the soul of wit” by Shakespeare. Snapchat, which is popular among young people, is redesigning their app to make it easier to use for everyone else, responding a feedback about how difficult or hard it is to use. (126 words)