
12/4 Summary: "Are Emotional Support Animals Necessary or Just Glorified Pets?"

From Quick and Dirty


People have a fuzzy understanding about emotional support animals and trained service animals. Also, anyone with a credit card can make a pet either an emotional support animal or a service animal using online commercial organization. This article makes the difference between them clear. First, service animals perform specific tasks like guiding someone who is blind, while emotional support animals help and heal someone suffering from mental or physical illness just by being with the owner. Second, service animals can be either a dog or a tiny horse, but any animal can be an emotional support animal. Third, the American with Disabilities Act allows service animals to go almost anywhere. In contrast, emotional support animals can only legally follow their owners in two places: in their owners’ homes and on airplanes. They can’t go inside stores, restaurants, museums, or hospitals. (140 words)