
12/14 これからの英語学習について考えてみた





① リスニング





生の英語をpodcastを通じてリスニング 及び シャド―イング。→毎日の記録をどこかに残したい。


② ライティング






③ スピーキング






④ リーディング











12/9 Summary: ""Alternative Facts" about Climate Change"

From Scientific American


It is crucial to discriminate between objective reality and declared reality. Recently, EPA administrator and Energy Secretary have called for the establishment of “Red Team/Blue Team” (RT/BT) to reassess the credibility of key findings of climate change, believing previous evaluations were untrustworthy, self-serving, underestimate key uncertainties, and lack participation from critical voices. The Trump administration implicates that only they can conduct a fair and unbiased assessment of climate science. However, it’s wrong. First, climate science has been reviewed for decades by many trustworthy entities. Also, critical voices are part of the review process, too. When it comes to uncertainties, they are the nature of science. Knowing there is much left to uncover, scientists are reducing important uncertainties. Secondly, if there truly were lack of evidence of climate science, some researcher would have already found that evidence, but for the time being many have failed. Reality cannot be altered by denying its existence: humans are affecting global climate. What we need to do is call out these efforts to confuse and devalue well-established science. (173 words)

12/7 Summary: "The Neuroscience of Changing Your Mind"

From Scientific American


A team from Johns Hopkins University has concluded that last-minute decision-making is a lot more complicated than previously known: it involves complex neural coordination among multiple brain areas. Th team recruited 21 subjects and made them cancel a decision in the study. The group watched what areas of the brain activated during the decision-making steps and after the subjects stopped their plan, finding that the prefrontal cortex and the frontal eye field are involved. It was found that changing an intended behavior requires ultrafast communication between them, so for instance, if we change our minds within about 100 milliseconds of making a decision, we can revise our plans, but we probably can’t within more than 200 milliseconds. The lead author of the study hopes that the insights from this study help researchers devise ways to help us make faster, safer decisions especially for elder people and people with addictions. (149 words)

Takeの使い方 その2



13 Feelings

-You should take pride in your work. 自分の仕事に誇りを感じるべきだよ。

-At first, he took no interest in the baby. 初め彼はその赤ちゃんになんの興味も持たなかった。

-An elderly man took pity on her. ある老人は彼女を気の毒に思った。

-Don't take offense. He says things like that to everybody.  不快に思うなよ。彼はあんなことを誰にでも言うんだ。

14 Control

-Both boys were taken prisoner. 少年は両方とも人質にとられた。※take 人 prisonerから

-The communists took power in 1948. 共産党は1948年に政権を握った。

15 Medicine/Drugs

-Most teenagers start taking drugs through boredom.多くの若者は退屈さからクスリを始める。

【※through boredom=out of boredom この表現は知らなかったけど、ngramで見てみると

Google Ngram Viewer


17 Level

-Even if you have the talent to take you to the top, there's no guarantee you'll get there. たとえトップにいける才能を持っていたとしても、そこのたどり着くという保証はない。

18 Measure 

-Take the patient's pulse first. まず患者さんの脈拍を計りなさい。


-To some people, smoking is addictive. Others can take it or leave it. ある人にとって喫煙はやめられないものであるが、またある人にとっては特に好きでも嫌いでもない。【※なんか日本人的感覚だなあ】

-This is my last offer. Take it or leave it. これが最後の提示額です。受ける受けないはご自由に。

22 Take sb/sth (for example)

-People love British cars. Take the Mini. In Japan, it still sells more than all the other British cars put together. イギリス車の人気は高い。例えばMini。日本では未だに全てのイギリス車を合わせた数より売れている。

【※ここでのput togetherは過去分詞。通例比較表現than, asの後で用いる。more than (the rest/the others/everything else) put together 】


-Looking after a baby really takes it out of you. 赤ちゃんの世話をするのは本当に疲れる。


-I'm quite taken by the idea of Christmas in Berlin. ベルリンでのクリスマスという考えにかなり心惹かれている。



-He took the bend at over 60 and lost control. ×彼は60度の曲がりかどを曲がってコントロールを失った。→〇彼は時速60マイル以上でカーブを曲がりコントロールを失った。


 It means he turned the car at a speed of over 60 mph and lost control. The speed of the car, not the curvature of the turn, is suggested.



12/4 Summary: "Are Emotional Support Animals Necessary or Just Glorified Pets?"

From Quick and Dirty


People have a fuzzy understanding about emotional support animals and trained service animals. Also, anyone with a credit card can make a pet either an emotional support animal or a service animal using online commercial organization. This article makes the difference between them clear. First, service animals perform specific tasks like guiding someone who is blind, while emotional support animals help and heal someone suffering from mental or physical illness just by being with the owner. Second, service animals can be either a dog or a tiny horse, but any animal can be an emotional support animal. Third, the American with Disabilities Act allows service animals to go almost anywhere. In contrast, emotional support animals can only legally follow their owners in two places: in their owners’ homes and on airplanes. They can’t go inside stores, restaurants, museums, or hospitals. (140 words)

Takeの使い方 その1


Takeの使い方をLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English(LDOCE)を使ってみていこうと思います。個人的に気になった例文をピックアップしていきます。


-I have to take Steve the money tonight. 今夜スティーブのところにお金をもっていかないと。

-Someone's taken a pen from my desk. 誰かが僕の机からペンをとった。

-It took me ages/forever to find a present for Dad. 父さんへのプレゼントを探すのにめっちゃ時間がかかった。(informal)

-It takes courage to admit you are wrong. 自分が間違っていると認めるのは勇気がいる。

-He's got what it takes to be a great footballer. 彼には素晴らしいフットボール選手になるための素質がある。(idiomatic)

-Will you take the job? その仕事を引き受けるの?(=accept sth that is offered)

-I just can't take any more. もう耐えられない。

10 Suitable

  • -What size shoe do you take? 靴のサイズは?-I take size 12. 12サイズです。
  • -This elevator takes a maximum of 32 people. このエレベーターは最大32人収容できる。

12 Consider

  • -I was joking, but he took me seriously. 冗談だったのに彼は本気にとらえた。
  • -I'll take that remark as a compliment. あの発言は褒め言葉として受け取るよ。
  • -I took her to be his daughter. 彼女は彼の娘だと思った。
  • -Of course I won't tell anyone! What do you take me for? もちろん誰にも言わないよ!俺を誰だと思ってるの?
  • -I take it you've heard that he resigned. 彼が辞めたのを君は聞いたと思う。



12/2 Summary: "Smartphone addiction could be changing your brain"

From  CNN


Cell phone addiction, which is the fear of not being able to use your cellphone or other smart device, is on the rise. This habit, for instance, negatively affect your social life and relationship with others, or your ability to work or study, because you want to be connected to your smartphones all the time. The addiction can also lead to the distracted driving and injuries related to pedestrians using cell phones. Moreover, it can be the cause of text neck and poor posture. The blue light emitted from cell phones can disrupt melatonin production and therefore sleep. Plus, cell phone addiction may affect brain functioning. According to a study, which 19 teenage boys participated, compared with the boys who were not addicted, the brains of those who were addicted had higher levels of GAVA than those of glutamate-glutamine, which means the former are more vulnerable to distractions. Also, addicted teenagers in the study had higher scores in anxiety, depression and levels of insomnia and impulsivity. The good news is that their conditions were improved with cognitive behavioral therapy. You are advised to keep your cellphone away from your everyday life as much as possible. (195 words)